Project 4
Generating A TV Script
This week’s task was to generate a script based off of text we provided from a movie, TV show, or song of choice. Our group decided to select a few episodes from The Office, but then realized that this text compilation was of insufficient length for the model to recreate a comprehensible script. Next, we decided to add the script to the 2005 edition of Pride and Prejudice, as we were curious how the script would look after the model based its text generation off of two completely different genres. However, this produced complete gibberish, which was likely a result of the model being unable to pick up on the patterns in the dialogue when the text source changed so dramatically from a modern-day comedy to a 19th-century drama/romance. Consequently, we decided to rerun the model after adding the scripts from the entire fourth season of The Office. At last, we were able to generate five plausible and relatively understandable scripts. It was interesting to see characters were written into the generated scripts who only appeared briefly in the show.
For our presentation, we decided to select the output below:
Michael: Go to New York, confront the CFO, show him he’s making a mistake… save the branch.
Dwight: Can I drive?
Michael: Oh, yeah…
Oscar: And, uh, they’re trying to get rid of me - and I bet you think I don’t be in the workplace arise
Mr. Brown: Well, we’ll squeeze you in.
Creed: what time is it, what the should
Michael: Thank you, charles.
Charles: Mmmhmm.
Michael: Except this time, you have to tame it.
Kevin: Please hold. [cupping mouthpiece?] It said they’re not going to do it! He will not. And I certainly like the rest of the interview
Michael: When you first…bughes you get picky?
Phyllis: Okay, forget it. which an alliance?
Michael: Yeah. In all clients for you. Pl have someone with the other again at the eye of magic, so…paradox.
Mr. Brown: We both keep an outran so by the park. Colon, What Did Jan Say? The Michael Scott Story. By Michael Scott Story. By Michael Scott, with Dwight Schrute.
Karen: Hey, um… did you hear about your friends in Pennsylvania? Rumor has it that the Scranton Branch is.
JANE: And lets horrible! Jan! The mmm? That’s spontaneous gets me, he will in Scranton for a really long time. And uh, it’s going to be weird to be my own family and I being myself mama, people work?
Dwight: Very find a man the man. There is a hero of mile.
Michael: Okay.
Jim: All right. Take care.
Michael: Back to work.
Dwight: Well, it doesn’t…
Kevin: Hey Pam, we’re going to. Perfect immune system.
Jim: OK, well, it’s after five. Everyone leaves except Kevin and Stanley who you might you know? On on his desk and making it shows.
Michael: Oh, umm… kinda hard to explain.
Jim: I don’t have a ton of contact with the camera work. Anybody else? Um…
Kelly: I have after an about the day. That’s what happened. Now, what are out of here to the rescue.
DARCY: Yes, course, the thrority nobody’s way, you know, in that part of the plans have acupuncture.
Michael: What did I do? I did my job. I sll mine.
ELIZABETH: Oh dancing, of course, if she’s from Morocco. Then it would be very happy indeed. Please, Mr Collins, I’d be him and Indian accent, Kelly! How are you?
Kelly: I just had a relis is shown when I im.
Michael: When I was in training, man! I’m the one who laudby as I Mishael? Hmm?
Charles: For wret.
ELIZABETH: Yes, ma’am. All.
LADY CATHERINE: How does George But im revesing and villey and I saw the marted pot the other branch. No no no